I need help with block code

ok. Thank you I checked his profile thing but It didn’t say that (I think)

I message him a lot so he told me his time difference

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oh ok that makes sense.

Also If you need help with it ask me. :smiley:

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OK :smiley: Glad to know I can get help :slight_smile:

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What do you need help with right now.

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I need help on his Bonnie AI code. I need to figure out 1) How to get it to start at the begging of the game, and 2) How to extend it to 7 different props

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Okay let me look. Give me a second

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Are you using a prop.

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I guess it would also work for Chica If I get it to move forward/ backward and yes. I switched from barrier art to armor stands for the time being

Start by using just props It will help

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yeah that’s why I switched to it but I can’t get it to work :confused:

Are they all deactivated besides the one on the show stage

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yes. they are. I’ll see if I can attach a video. So I can’t edit the code out so i’ll rejoin that way i won’t be violating the guidlines (hopefully)

I got to leave see you soon I think I can give you my email if you need more help

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okay. thank you. that will help.

It would work the same with seven yes.


Okay thanks.

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I still need help with it. They won’t move, so I think I’ve done the block code wrong.

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@Shadow.exe I solved your problem want to hear?