I need help with block code

Oh, and I also need help with this:
if Get Property “ChicaAI” = 1
do Set “ChicaAI” to random integer from 0 to 20

if “ChicaAI” < Get Property “ChicaAI”
do (currently existing code, leave the do part blank)

else if “ChicaLocation” = 1
do Broadcast Message On Channel “Cam7”

else if “ChicaLocation” = 2
do Broadcast Message On Channel “Cam4A”

else if “ChicaLocation” = 3
do Broadcast Message On Channel “Cam4B”

else if “ChicaLocation” = 4
do Broadcast Message On Channel “inoffice”
He’s not on, that’s why.

you can also simplify the randomizer using this block code i learned from haiasi (i´ll edit in the image soon)

I also only have 5 cameras in my game, Does that matter?

and for bonnie, (sorry if i’m spamming) i’m using barrier art, so I was wondering if there was any easier way to wire them for the hiding and showing thing.

I would suggest using channels instead of wires.

you might have to make the recieving block code end by ur self
also ignore the set text and grant item channel those were for a different mechanic


“Create Text With” the best block in GKC.

is there anyway to put that in simpler terms for me?

just copy this part

Screenshot 2024-01-19 1.57.23 PM
This right? Cause I need it to go straight or backwards, for chica

if you want it to go forwards and backwards randomly thats a different system that will need this kind of randomizer you can change the number and property name to whatever you want tho

Here is how I would do it. The armor stands are the animatronics and the number is the position. I would start at 0 which would be visible on game start(the others wouldn’t be visible on game start)
Use this to update the position if it’s a 0 nothing happens if it’s a 1 go forward if it’s a 2 go backward




p.s.I have tested this and it actually works really well. Let me know if you have any other questions.


only thing is I’m using barrier art for my animatronics.

even so I’m using BARRIER art. Thats not gonna work.

but I will use it and see if it works.

would this work if I made the integer bigger because Bonnie has multiple different points where he moves.

It’s scalable to as many as you need. Since it uses channels you should be able to use prop art.

ah okay that makes sense.

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so I could make it go to lets say, 7 different numbers?.

Don’t ping him because he live it the philippines and there a huge time difference @Shadow.exe or do it when It is about 7:00 to 9:00 am his time