I need help with any thumbnail for my game help needed *no deadline*

I need help for my game called battle royale would love for a thumbnail any help would be allowed any gim you like or wanna put in the thumbnail my game is about aliens gims taking over the world and people saving them

well I have dis

There is a certain 8-step formula for success…

I could fix it up if you want


i can make one!<i;hjeoifvjfv>

No sorry no codes pls not allowed pic fine

ok my game is about fighting other aliens while they make a virus to take over the world

Welcome to the forums!!!
You should probably read the guidelines (you get a badge and everything) and the TOS!

Also, here is a format for thumbnail requests for Optimal Efficiency

ty hfewhufhwiufhewuhfwiehfiuewfw

Umm you put this but symbols like ,./;:'"[{]}|`~!@#$%^&*()?don’t work fo the trick

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anything new? dwq dq qw qwdwqdqwdwqdqw

You do not have to post every single time you feel like it.

Remember; Thumbnail artists work hard, providing art that would usually cost money.

Please do not ask for progress every half hour.

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