Hello there I need help with creating a countdown mechanic that teleports players to specific places and puts certain things in players inventory.
Trigger loop, to counter with a target value of x, which will broadcast on a channel of whatever, triggering a teleporter and item granter/inventory item manager.
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Uh trigger loop is just triggering itself over again with a delay of one second, so it can actually be concatenated to just a delay of however much time in the countdown you need @fryedm1c which will then trigger the teleporter/everything else.
This should/could/would/might work.
Uh also Squid Game guide somewhere.
No problem, happy to help! Let me know if it works!
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@Turtle thank you for the information
@Turtle uhhhhhhh ok I will try that soon
@turtle Thank you so much
You’re welcome!
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You could try to use a wire repeater and sit the “Delay” to what you want or you could also try a counter device.