I need help with a bedwars thumbnail

who said

that makes no sense

no, we decided for it to be off-topic now, but it has been off-topic FOREVER.

The forums, not me. Please see the hypocrisy post.

where at

check this out…

Oh great, it’s been flagged again…
It basically states that just because someone posted something they shouldn’t, you shouldn’t copy them.


you just did by making this post.


Okay, everyone calm down.
No flame war today. (I’m flammable you see.)
Thumbnail requests are not allowed. Sorry.
Please mark a solution.

all I asked for was help with a thumbnail beacause I suk at making thumbnails and I’m not good at art

But you can’t do that, sorry.
Also who flagged my post??

well your not allowed. so stop.

I know that you aren’t good at making thumbnails and you think it’s unfair, but don’t take it out on us.
Please mark a solution.

Also, are you new?
Oh yeah you are. Sorry.
Welcome to the forums

no i’ve been gone for like 2 weeks and came back to this

but I have been here since december

roberta I invited to my padlet called the lightbulb eaters

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