I need help on how to make a psychological horror game

Tryna to make a psychological horror game

Storyline: Your name is Bob and you just got your new gimphone 16! (features check news send messages buy stuff and can add some more features if u want) But after you got this new phone everything went wrong. You feel like someone is watching you… feel free to give me suggestions for the storyline or add more

1 objective I need it to be a text that show up until player complete the task
I will add more details later

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kind of bobs computer on roblox right? but a phone instead?

A cool effect you could use is all darkness but if you move into a certain zone, it reveals some stuff.

yea kinda of like jims computer

Nice idea! now i just need to learn how to read… (I’m doing it)

just make sure that its not to scary of a game or it will get taken down

wait what?! if a game is too scary it gets taken down???


i dont know if it is (but lets get back on topic)

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My bad my bad, alright.

Yea is not gonna be too scary. is a Psychological horror game also according to google Psychological horror games are a breed of horror games with a particular focus on mental, emotional, and psychological states to frighten, disturb, or unsettle its audience . (And no jump scare for u)


Make some glitched text appear in late new’s text.

Not too scary.
Remember, 8 year old appropriate at the very least. (probably 5 yr apropriate is best)

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well, guess what. A 8 yr old don’t even understand wth is psychological horror. all they gonna think is o the char in the game is such a weirdo. so no worry, a horror game that can scare a 5yr or 8yr is jumpscare not psychological horror

we need to stay on topic guys

well jims computer has minimal scary effects, the only ones being a scary feeling given to the player, some darkness, and “creepy” music, but the goal is to do so much more. if you get rid of the implied ending it could be good

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An easy way to make an unstable character for psychological horror is to include some sort of past mental trauma, and then make the phone somehow keep reminding the character of the trauma.


are you sure…
imean, yes true, I do agree with you on this:

but I think psychological horror can scare a 5 yr easily. because it has to be creepy, and creepy stuff freaks me out. and tbh, I could understand most psychological horrors. imean, its horrors, so I knew it was scary, but not why.

Well, anyways, I guess as long as you don’t go too far, then it should be fine.
GL! :grin:

hmmmm now i need a ending what should the ending be? (pls give me some advice)

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what kind of physiological horror are you doing?
what is the plot of the story?