I need help making Warehouse things


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YEAH! thank you.

In What Form Though (Coins, Bars, etc.), And How?

bars or fish. but you can do whatever you want if you dont want to do that.

Any Other Ideas?
(How Would I Make Bars?)

the flags could work.

if you have any empty hallways, add a carpet using a barrier. add a forklift and lots of shelves. maybe add product things like sinks or sand bags since its a warehouse. im thinking abt the inside of a home depot rn for ideas.

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Add trash cans around the map, and some vents (for detail, or you can make it so that you can accaully go into the vents)

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after walking around the map i can feel the lacking in just random stuff lying on the ground, can you put water or moss on the ground, is there a room where it is a computer/server room

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I like the idea of a computer/server room, I will have to make that. I have been meaning to put down moss/dirt everywhere, but haven’t had a chance to yet

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Uh–why did you share the link?
You know you can’t do that here, right?
If someone wants to see, you can share it on the WIX or on your own padlet or something…

Wix is blocked, padlet is blocked, and it isn’t a code, it is so they can see what it looks like so they can give more helpful ideas.

You can’t post links either, though.

(Just for proof…)


Well I don’t want people saying to add something that doesn’t even go with the map, or fit in the map.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 093928
a live tv recording area

i also find it really easy to get lost it took me awhile to find your build because i got lost to the left side of the map so maybe a little more zoom out or faster speed to move around

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I know what else to add! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:t2: You can add like spiders, and metal poles in some places for like a creepy look, but if you want more casual, potted plants, and things like that are nice :slight_smile:

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Ohhh! Like A Ruined Room That Has Been Destoyed!

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Oooh YASS And, if you add an emoji, the fire one :fire: if you want it to look burnt, or like, burning. ( I usually change the colour of bushes, but I don’t think that one is the best option. :thinking: )

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oh ya i destoryed room thats a good idea and maybe you can insert lore into the game i see plently of places to drop it like the server rooms/computer the destroyed room or the pile of boxes can hide some

Oh ya you can use the computer prop in like a secret room, and make them click a button, make it seem like you are turning on a computer, and put the lore there. Make sure that the button is not visible in game. :star2: