Sorry to disapoint you but
they prob won’t respond any time soon because gimkit been offline for over a month,moderatecape’s been offline for like half a year and same with clicclac.
yeah i know lol, it was worth a try.
I looked into where they had been before I @'d them just a possibility.
idk I’m having someone help me make the thing rn and if he does it right than this’ll be closed
Only two players?
so what exactly happens when 3-4 players all ready up, it just doesn’t start? because all buttons have to have the same settings to decrement the counter…unless…
now I get it
How many rooms for buttons do you have?
Because there should be a max number, the randomizer should take them to any of the random rooms and should be impossible to get into the same room with someone else
there should be someway to deactivate certain button(s) from stopping the counter from decrementing
unless the live player isn’t lining up with the counter, then I would have to take a look at the wiring for it
it’s getting confusing nooooo
I’m pretty sure all I did was have a button (it needs to deactivate itself) linked to a counter that incremented a property. When the property equals the amount of people in the game (determined with a live player counter) the game moves onto the next part. Hope this helps! I’ll probably be inactive for at least one more month, sorry!
It would be nice to have a lifecycle event for a player leaving the game, so then ppl can’t stop games by leaving.
And to find the number of players in the game, use a checkpoint that is checked (what) on game start, use a lifecycle to broadcast ‘gamestart’ on game start and use a relay for all other players.
o7 clic even though you probably have no clue who I am
Hey I’m not that old why am I getting an o7
I beg to differ, you’ve been around for quite a while now haha
I thought I was hallucinating bro-
Wait let me comprehend
Welcome back?
My brain is static rn
OP made the right post at the perfect time.
……and this has gone way too off-topic… lol
This just is like the time Wh@cker(o7) spawned on the forum 22 hours ago
@ClicClac the forums have become a wasteland without you.
Hopefully you know that BH left, right?
wait he left
Yo-You’re joking, right?
The departed:
um I forgot like everyone
uh idk
Yay thanks for your bio update lol
I’ve been waiting since November
Edit: Yes, I see a lot of people leaving for school and such. cya.
I haven’t touched the forums in months so I could focus on school.[1]
don’t start blabbing this, but I also got grounded from forums + discord until further notice. This was before school started. I might be able to be permanently ungrounded after my parents see my grades (read: all As for both marking periods) ↩︎
Nice to see you’re replying again @ClicClac
Well, you did the right thing.
Also 7th is back
Well, however long its been, im glad you decided to pop back up to help moi, ClicClac, I really appreciate it so you said make a button that messes with a property, that is equal to the people in the game, but how do I know how many people are in the game?
Use this
I already have a live player counter, ill look into this later though I have to deal with some stuff IRL