I need help making finding dad with the milk game

then go to the padlet…

Thats not working either

how does it not work?

it dose not do anything

your device is broken. js restart browser/device

if we cant share codes can we share our gmails?

no can do plus my “higher authorities” wont allow

2354326 oops my cat stept on my keyboard

jk its not a code i wanna see what happends tho

632158754632734528713746352381745676476287516462387674632174971528757163428715745187364251736187465 Thats the code

this is getting off topic and off track sorry to say but u should prob js mark a solution at this point especially to prevent clutter

Hey guys can some of you come help @Jaxon with his new topic I want to help him but it’s confusing to me and I don’t know what he is talking about

please don’t post other topics in other topics when asking for help

Sorry it’s just I’m stuck trying to understand him

Ah ok.