where do you make it to where if you get a certain amount of items you win the game
Grab an inventory item manager and using blocks, set a system that detects the player has a set amount of items it sends a message on a channel. Next, grab a trigger that triggers when it receives that message on a channel. Finally, wire the Trigger to and End Game device.
I swear I just explained this… oh well…
how do I make the system
What are you using to grant the items?
The system was explained I really don’t understand why help is still needed
i might be stupid but where is the system
im using a item granter to grant the items
Get an Inventory Item Manager (IIM) and pick the item. Now go to the property section of IIM and use a property (make sure it’s a number one!)
Now get a trigger that has a trigger loop and go to the blocks. Block: If [item] = [item value] broadcast message on [channel]
Now use [channel] on the end game device.
alright I’ll go grab some pictures…
Set these blocks in an inventory item manager
Place an End Game device and make it end the game when it receives a message on a channel. In this case, No Energy.
And done! Your end game system should work.
Whenever the item is granted, have it send a signal to a counter. The counter is player-scoped.
When the counter receives the signal, have it increase by one. Give it a target of however many items you want.
Wire the counter to an end game device so that when the counter reaches the target number, the game ends.
It’s not efficient but it’s easy
Why not just use “No Energy” in End Game Device to save memory and make it quicker?
I completely forgot the end game device had that lol. I’ll go fix that.
trigger loops are confusing repeaters and wire repeater loops are more easier for me to understand
Maybe read the guide I provided for you?
It’s perfectly explained there!
Have both “when triggered” and “trigger on” have the same channel and set the delay to 0.1, so the moment the block “if” is correct, what the event happens will happen but listen to @meepeygamer567 I completely forgot about the special blocks in the IIM
How do you connect an IMM to an End Game device with or without wires