I need help making a game mode based off of Fortnite

thank you thats nice.

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Well you can use this for loot crates, (I don’t play Fortnite sorry,)

Do you have a battle royale style knockout system. If not you will need to add it. It is an extremely important aspect of Fortnite and similar battle royal games.

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Here’s how to make a player a ghost when they die! How to Make a Battle Royale Game - #2 by tprai

sorry it’s just I need help with it all and im looking for talented people to help me make it a true game.-gio

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Here are some things that may help.

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By the way, you don’t need to sign off your posts (like saying -navycatz) since your profile already shows up on the post.

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Well first, is there something specific that you don’t know how to do?

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do you know how to make one im new to making this and it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.

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Check coral’s post. It has a post linked with the ko system.

Yes just use those guides and your game should be fine. (At least the mechanics.)

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Wait so in my guides this isn’t allowed?

See you next time! Coral out :coral:

im extra and i for some reason felt the need for that.

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It should be fine, since it’s pretty minimal. @giox310 , that isn’t allowed according to the TOS. Anyway, once there are enough answers for your question, mark a solution by clicking the solution button under the best answer.

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Everything you need is in 1 of our comments, if you found these helpful, please mark a solution!
Don’t see yours, sorry @NavyCatZ

hey coral do you know how to make teams?

Yes! Set the mode to free for all

In the gear in the bottom left

Or just set the amount of teams to 60. Why though?

yes but i want to make teams as in duos squad etc.