I need help making a chest

I have searched around a few guides for this but none of them have the block code part. Can anyone help?

Do you want it to randomize what you get? Try this: How to make a Lucky Block/ Loot Box! [ 2/10 or đŸŸ© ] , Loot Crates/Mystery Item Boxes

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Yes Please, but I want it to only be able to give you certain items/weapons

Oh I didn’t see that I will check it out.

actually, Loot Crates/Mystery Item Boxes does have the block code:


Ok I have followed that guide but I am confused on 1 thing in it.

and what would that be?

Am I supposed to put RAND_1, RAND_2?


Oh I think I figured it out

Nope nevermind I still need help. @CringeKarlScott Can you help?

he said to place consecutive item granters (4 in his case), so for the first item granter you use RAND_1, for the second you use RAND_2, and so on.

(sorry i took so long to respond, i’m in school and had to pause when a teacher came over to me)

That’s what I have been doing yet it’s not working.

This is basically everything I have.

Do a teleporter in front of your ‘chest’ that can lead you to items you can take and leave and you can teleport back!

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While that would work It’s not necessarily how I want it to work, but thank you for the suggestion!

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what’s going wrong? is it just not doing anything? what triggers the block code?

The items are not granting.

what triggers the block code?

When triggered is the block code triggerer.