I need help making a chest

i mean what triggers the trgiger

but make it weapons instead
it has more customability for the chances

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Oh a vending machine with the wire settings of when purchased trigger.

Is there a space after the word “RAND_” in your block code?

@potato1 I know I might do that later but rn I got a headache so I am trying to do a more simple way

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No there is not

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i don’t think you can make diffrent chances with the method you are using , they have the same chance

A few things.

  1. Why is the trigger deactivated?

  2. How may underscored do you have in the block code?

I’m fine with them all having an equal chance

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ohhhhhh ._.

you’re telling it to activate trigger instead of just trigger

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His way gives four different options a 25% chance.

  1. Wdym?
  2. 1

He’s going to need two different wires then.

i know

No it’s just on trigger not activate trigger


Why is the trigger deactivated then?

Wdym @ClicClac

The trigger is grey, meaning it is deactivated and will not do anything. Why?