I need help designing a library

So my mind is blank. I am designing a library that is like, big. But, I need ideas on what to add to it. Have any?

You can add books off course.

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Wait, what floor is the libraby? maybe make it wood.

Cracked oak.

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some pics from my game


Wow I like how spacey it is and all the books! Nice :ok_hand:

Yeah you can have an idea from @Foxy good example.

I guess you could add minor details here and there, like a spiderweb, or maybe a water spill.

cool design, but it could be a bit less messy

you can add leaves and make it sort of a green house library
Screen Shot 2024-03-11 at 7.53.33 AM
like dis one!

You could make it so the players could interact with the bookshelves, and it’ll give them a title of a book (you made up, of course), but they can’t read the book. Just the title. Just like Doodle Champion Island.


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