Okay, so I got the Season Ticket, but IDK what to make with it. I’ve started an awesome platformer game, but it’s taking a while, so I want to get a break from it. So, I’m just looking for some simple game ideas that are easy but fun to make and play. Here is the format to put it in:
Label it: Story/Sh00ter/Choices/Anything else
Platformer or Top-down
Xtra Info
Abandoned Platformer
A Platformer that was once a gim favorite. now, It sits in ruin. It’s up to you to climb to the top and figure out exactly why it was abandoned and left to rot.
Title: Decisions
Label it: Choices
Get through multiple scenarios whiles making hard choices
Xtra Info: You play as different people in each scenario
Title- Potato of Golden Power
Label it: RPG
Platformer or Top-down
Objective- In Quest for the Golden Potato, players go on an adventure to find the Golden Potato hidden in the Castle of Shadows. Along the way, they have to face evil knights and dangerous dragons. To get past these obstacles, players must answer questions and solve puzzles. The goal is to reach the Golden Potato, but only the smartest adventurers can defeat the guardian and claim it.
title: boredtofun
lable: not sure
platformer race to the top of a super tall tower
different themes every summit/hard level yes I think there should be a checkpoint mode and a no checkpoint mode you can choose
[would you rather do a easy to hard platformer, or a theme platformer?]
make a game where you are stuck in a basement with a bunch of cheese and potatoes but you hate them and the cheese is nacho cheese its spicy and melying so you have to escape before time runs out after you get out you must explore the house that has the basement you were locked in find a key but avoid the house keeper once you escape you have to find the car in the backyard and drive away then get to the police office but no ones their and the house keeper followed you then you fight him he wins but before you d… i mean fly away like an angel you get ressurected because you see he stole your games so you come back to life and fight him agian and then while he is stunned you run away and take your games you get to your house lock the door but then fly away like an angel cus you couldnt keep up because of gim loss then you wake up it was a dream title wake up at 4 am to nacho cheese and potatoes also the cheese aint yours
I’ve remade this map a lot of times, but it’s basically based off of amungus, and an escape room. you make the background a moving space floor and you just make a space ship thingy. you use a bunch of wires and stuff and make hidden objects (like berries) to trade for like another berry to get like a g.u.n or something that you use to ki// bots, but you have to find clues in order to find where the teleporter is, once you have ended the sentry you receive a key card you can use back at the entrance into the part of the spaceship to go back home (earth or anywhere else) and you win…
I read your idea sebearx, and it sounds awesome!
Have a game inspired by a 60 second burger run but instead you try to get to the potato store before it closes in 60 seconds in platformer getting pass obstacles in less than 60 seconds.
when you start you could spawn in a lobby then when you press the start button you have 60 seconds to jump over obstacles, hills, holes, to get to your potatoes. the store is not above you but to the very right so you wouldn’t be jumping up but running to the right. you could add some consumables on the road like maybe 5 more seconds or speed boost or something.