I need characters for my game

TBH that’s essentially my character, who’s a sort of tutorial enemy for the player.

You’re not the only ones. Also slim you kind of weren’t the first since there was gimkit kart 8, but you guys aren’t the only ones to get their things deleted. There was a massive topic purge, __land was deleted, keyboard guide, fancy knockouts, among much more. TUG to blocks was restored fortunately, but there are many guides that are now unlisted or gone.

Bh is working on the situation though. So don’t worry.


I’m going to post a gif for an example boss fight as soon as I can export it as a GIF, just note that the boss fight shown is not completely finished, and I may add on to it a bit more.

Edit: It’s taking a while to load [1]
Edit 2: Still not loading

  1. I accidentally clicked the solution button for a moment :grimacing: ↩︎

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  • Name: ASTR0FAN
  • Health: 3
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Attack Style: Creates circles around them to attack the player
  • Abilities: Can move around to be harder to attack, tries to move the player into the circles. :eye:
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Welcome to the forums @ASTR0FAN! Be sure to read the TOS and FAQ. You can even get a badge for doing so!

For @ASTR0FAN's eyes only
Seriously, don't look unless you're @ASTR0FAN
Last chance, turn back now unless you're @ASTR0FAN.

think anyone will figure out that we’re brothers?

Name: !tzJd@t
Health: 4
Difficulty: Medium
Attack Style: Target Emoji to warn a glitched missile thingy
Abilities: (read under this)
3rr0r 404: sends a huge glitch missile twice the size of a normal one
H@ck3r_D3t3ct3d: hand punches the ground causing parts of the battleground to turn into binary code which damages the player upon stepping
2+2+2+2 (1x1x1x1 reference) summons 3 sentries
Upon entering battle: Welcome to the battlefield of the most hated people of the internet. hackers.
Upon battle: you’re tougher than I thought, but you won’t stop me.
Upon 75 health: you’re a tough one I’ll give you that.
Upon 50 health: Grrr… you’re starting to get on my nerves.
Upon defeat: breathes heavily you might’ve defeat me, but you won’t defeat him. (the final boss)
dialogue images:

Hacker Detected
ezgif.com-animated-gif-maker (2)

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It finally loaded, but it’s too large.
Also, feel free to add dialogue to your character.

Rando pop up

Jumpscare =D

Here’s me as a shopkeeper

Name: Char

Dialogue: “Heya! Wanna buy this neat lil device I made? It makes ya lighter on the feet and has mini jet boostas to help ya get 'round faster :smile: . Only for insert decent amount of currency needed to buy the device

Choice 1: Sure!
My response after the choice: “GREAT decision! You’ll never regret it! :grin: Gives the device after you give me the money

Choice 2: No Thanks.
My Dialogue after the choice: “OK, Alrighty then, your loss :person_shrugging:

Here’s my other OC

Name: Kanz

Where?: sitting behind Char watching everyone enter/exit the shop

Dialogue: “Howzitgoin? Darlin’ here’s tryna sell his new invention. It’s basically rocket boots. Not to be suspicious, but here’s 2 medkits and 4 shield cans"

Choice 1: O-ok, thanks?
Her response after the choice: “Gives the 2 medkits and 4 shield cans If you need more just come back and I’ll get you more"

Choice 2: No Thanks.
Her response after the choice: “Ok, scoot along then. I don’t want my Darling here thinkin I’m cheatin’ on him and I absolutely don’t want him thinkin’ that cuz it’ll cause events that I don’t want happenin’, ok Kiddo? Now scram”

I’ll think of how I’m gonna make my 2 OCs as enemies soon

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Is the device basically a speed modifier?

Speed modifier and dash mechanic added into it =P

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The health stat is the amount of hits they can take in their fight, so I’ll only be able to include 3 of these.

is it 3 health and 1 ending or 2 and 1

I know mine wasn’t the first, but it was before most of those types of topics.

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The second one I think.

DARNIT my character description got deleted then

Yeah, unfortunately it did. I hadn’t added any of those enemies into my game either because I had just started, so I don’t have any backups.

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have a basic idea what I wrote if you liked it?

Name: ItzJdat
Ally Type: seller
Sells: Gimfish of Undying
Upon talking to “Hey there kid! I’m selling a Gimfish of Undying for 50 [currency name].”
Upon accepting:
“Alright kid! here’s ya Gimfish of Undying!”
Upon declining:
“That’s ok kid! you shall suffer”

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Unfortunately not, I was :heart:ing all the submissions, and I didn’t look too closely because I didn’t need to implement the enemies yet.

do you accept my submission? pls