so I made a hunger gims game and I need a Thunbnail for it my Thunbnail now is just a blue gim I really need one and I am out of ideas
it needs to be like the hunger games
We’re gonna need more details that just those…
name: the hunger gims
summary: battle royle on staroinds
setting: not platformer
what Gims: does not matter
what Gims are doing: there opponents
author of game: me and bemothYT
Do you want it hand drawn or…
it does not matter but thanks for asking
I will make one then.
i can guarantee a thumbnail by Friday.
what do you mean by “there opponents”?
it is a muliplayer game
it is a battle battle royale
by “their opponents” do you mean they are fighing?
yes they are, it was a typo
oh ok i was just confused for a second
Ooooo, hunger games, i never did one of these before for thumbnails, ima try it out
(I am not going out)
I might do yours <3, looks good
welp im cooked
I’ll do one, what is the due date?