I need a thumbnail pls

my game is an escape room. i don’t care whats on the thumbnail I just want it to look good. Also kinda make it look like a dungeon

i can try to make one for you also nice profile pic

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lol thanks for helping I’m not the best at thumbnails so…


i might be able to help.

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no way that’s hand drawn… i refuse to believe it.

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do you like the memes

how did you look through it so fast??

yeah I like it. (I agree lets stop being off-topic)

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Well, like for like, meme by meme. Hey, do you know the Bolivia meme? (last chat so we can be marked as off-topic)

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But my profile is hand drawn by me

again, off topic.

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It’s AI made though its not hand drawn

Please get back on topic

oh sorry @blackhole927 I didn’t know that please don’t ban me

Just a question, if I made a thumbnail for a different topic/game, but it wasn’t used for that game, could I just post it here with the new name? I don’t know if that would be unoriginal or not but I’ve already made a thumbnail for a dungeon escape room game that just was never used.

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I’m not the OP, but I don’t see why you couldn’t. If I were you I would just make sure it had the right title/credit on it like you said. As long as you created it and like you said “it was never used” I don’t see a problem. Oh, and it should probably match the description too. (However, I have no idea if it’s actually allowed or not so don’t take my word for it. I’m like 85% sure) @Coolcaden26. Like you said below me, you should also ask the OP (I forgot to put that)


I’m just asking the OP as I see no problem with it either, I just don’t know if the OP would like that or not.

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What do I need? Tell me and I’ll add it and tell me if anyone sees the gim in the background.

bro what is happening all i did was ask for a thumbnail :sob:

work on this(did you just take the gims and erase their eyes)

could i use a thumbnail i already made if it wasn’t used for the game i meant to use it for