I need a thumbnail for my game!

ok once again i am sorry

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Iā€™m not saying that to make you sorry, just to say an alternative. You donā€™t need to apologize to me in any way.

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ok but thanks for the heads up @th3_ca1tsune

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hey guys if you guys are making a thumbnail thanks but im going to be offline till tomorroq.

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sorry Iā€™m late but hereā€™s mine:


also Iā€™m sorry if solaria doesnā€™t have their ray around themā€¦

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looks great @Chris10 ill add it to the poll when everyone is done!

oh i thought you were offlineā€¦ and thanks!

oh yea i just arrived at my grandmothers house!

oh cool! see you for the poll!

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oki, i can def make a thumbnail for ya! itā€™d be my pleasure since iā€™ve been curious to try my hand at art (even if itā€™s hand-drawn):stuck_out_tongue:

letā€™s do this!

just a quick couple of questions so i can get started:

  1. how important is color to the thumbnail? does it have to stay monochrome/sepia tones like in the game?
  2. is there any specific art style or aesthetic you want the thumbnail to adhere to?

thanks @gimcraftor! and the details are in the first post!

pinging me doesnā€™t irritate me dudeā€¦ but it does for the others I thinkā€¦

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iā€™m surprised by my artā€¦

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WARNING: I am going to be publishing my game soon!

so anyone that was making me a thumbnail has to submit it to me please

I might be able to do it but it is really specific

ok thanks @1ShotNoShot


sorry i was offline but anyways
nice thumbnail @GimNo0b ill add it to the poll once everyone is done making one!