I need a thumbnail for my doors game im making (its called lonely)

ok i changed the face for the gims a bit and have color scheme references above them
do you want them to be any color in particular?

an color is fine

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got it!

can i make a thumbnail?

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of course you can :grin:

nice, ill get started

wait aren’t you making a thumbnail for me too?

yes lol

noice, kinda unexpected tbh

yes indeed lol

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ok here is update

thats really good

You;ll have to add text yourself, sorry


its ok (i love it, it looks amazing)

im thinking of giving you 2 selections


shivers… mouth gims :disappointed_relieved: Btw I wanna make one!

also fruity-gim what happened to that picture :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

of course you can make one

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this is the first one

i really like it (btw you dont have to change it but it is called lonely)