I need a thumbnail for my doors game im making (its called lonely)

ok lets do it tomorrow (i gtg soon)



how close are you to being done? (just wondering)

umm it’ll take me a while so maybe a day or 2 (it takes longer because im not used to drawing)

thats ok ill wait paciently

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good morning

ye it is indeed a morning

yes, XD

also progress update

i am working on the 2 gims now

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alr, it looks really good so far

You really finished your version of Doors so quickly @metal_sonic-1

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i haven’t even started making the game

What a play that was :scream:

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XD lol

I’m going to my exam. I’ll see you in an hour or so.

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ok see ya later

@metal_sonic-1 here is my progress (its taking so long because i have school)

do you want me to change the expresions of any of the gims?

no he gims are fine (you can take your time)

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