I need a thumbnail again

So I kinda need a thumbnail again…
So im not publishing the game now but i just thought i would make it ready!
Game name: Rob The Bank!

Gims: doesn’t matter whatever you think

Gim actions: doesn’t matter whatever you think

Setting: just a bank with a with a gim stealing money

Hand-drawn or Photoshop: hand-drawn

if you can make one i would be really grateful!
(when i get the thumbnail im not going to publish my game im just having the thumbnail ready)



can I help

Of course @The-realgimkitMaster !

ill do a vote if a lot of people want to make a thumbnail

i saw @I_Like_Props is online!

I mighttt do one, no guarantees.

ok thats fine :+1:

I’m going make a thumbnail

Of course

I might do one, but not 100% sure, I have to write my essay still so I’m thinking.

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Ok I can make one! But its like 9:02 where I am rn so might not get it to you tonight!

I’m done, might add some more details in the morning tho.

@GIMKIT.CREATIVE if you want me to do one i dont mind.

oh thanks @RedPandaArtist i would be really grateful!

im sorry i went somewhere yesterday so i couldn’t reply

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hey @RedPandaArtist can you look at your e-mail pls

I can make one but i wont be able to work on one until 1:00 eastern time because of school