Baseball Themed
Pack style
Gims are allowed
Any other questions please tag me
EDIT: Deadline is 9/10/2024 (Deadline asked by @Loperander0 )
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Cool, Can I ask u which gradient you want?
Alright then mainly blue gradient with a mix of yellow/red then.
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can’t do that
Ngl, I don’t know what would look good
do you have any preferred gims you like @MynameaintJimmy
No i dont but maybe could they look like a sports style theme (fyi closer to a baseball style theme)
Also wheres the tutorial for the licensed badge? @Loperander0
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Yeah, I can do that, If you need anything else that you think would look good, Just ping me
I think i could make one lol.
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Yeah, pretty sure you can since it was just created
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erm whats the game called
Oh yeah, What is it called
These look good and all but thats not really needed
Sorry im back i was busy how is it going?