I need a repeater to repeat a task that after a certan amount of seconds that makes foxy go back to pirates cove

what i whant is he goes close to the office after 50 seconds he goes back to pirates cove then just repeats the task untill the game ends

Are you using props?
You can’t really do it with sentries because Sentry-Device interactions were patched.
If so,

(Prop near your office) Prop Made Visible --> (Wire Repeater with delay) Repeat the wire pulse!

(Wire Repeater) When the wire repeater receives a pulse --> (Prop) Hide Prop

(Prop near your office) Prop Made Visible --> (Repeater) Stop Repeater

(Prop in pirate cove) Prop Made Visible --> (Prop) Show Prop

(Showing the one in Pirate Cove)

(Prop in pirate cove) Prop Made Visible --> (Repeater) Start Repeater

If you’re confused, how this works is when foxy reaches your door, it sends a signal to a wire repeater to start a countdown.
When reached, it hides the prop and shows the prop in pirate cove.
When foxy is in pirate cove, it starts the repeater again so he can start moving again.