I need a new thumbnail for my Fortnite gimkit map (Voting thumbnails on March, 20th)

I am working on one right now, and I think you will like it :slight_smile:


@LilMonke321 do you want the title to be called Gimnite, Fortnite, etc.? You can just tell me what you want the title to be.

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I would like it to be GimNite.

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Also, I made my own thumbnail that took me hours :smiling_face_with_tear:


Do ya like it???


Good job! that looks great. Here is mine now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Untitled image (2)


@LilMonke321 Do you like this?

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That’s great! But how did you make the images blend in with the background that’s what I’ve been trying to do.

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And what did you make this on?

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I made this on Capcut.

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Also what do you mean by making them blend in with the background?

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Ok so do you know when you put an image in, and the image has a background? How do you put the image in with the background you already have and make the image background look like the background that you already have?

goofy faces :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:(not hating)

Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was eating dinner.

How I blended the gims in

I just took a screenshot of whatever I wanted to be in the picture, then I brought it into Capcut and selected remove background. Then it looks like the gim is part of the picture! :slight_smile:

use remove.bg to take out the background on a picture

bump this thing up ok

U would usually use bump if a guid hasn’t been viewed for more than 10 days

I knew would respond.


Ok so hows the image coming up?