I need a good name idea for my map. Purple Swamp isn’t a good title.
The Ozi run
Mystical swamp? Idk lol
crystal lakes?
The Mummies Of Mystical Lagoon
That’s better than mine
That’s… Elaborate, but not bad.
could I have a couple more pics, please?
i kinda need some more of what the map is about, what the player’s objective is, etc.
What’s the game about?
That’ll help determine a good descriptive name
The words you have to censor are banned for a reason, so don’t use them.
So you answer questions to get an evil eye.
Then you go up and beat the mini-boss.
Then you go up farther and beat the boss-boss, which ends the game. Short but fun.
Swamp fight
The swamp purge
Battle of the swamp
mud wars
the ghoul in the muck
idk ._.
how about swamp rush?
if not that name, then maybe the Battle at Purple Swamp.
more ideas because I’m bored:
1:Lagoon Lake
2:Fight of the Swamp
idk ;-;
Cursed Lavender Lagoon?
Ozi’s Amethyst Swamp?
Ozi’s Violet Marsh?
Ozi’s Swamp Showdown? Or maybe just Swamp Showdown… idrk ._.
You should consider adding more bosses and decorating them. Lore would also be really cool for your map
- Nice map
- You should call it: The dungeons of Magenta Lagoon (or pink, or purple, or wtever)\
- wt skin is that
the second skin is poppy from the season ticket idk about the first one though
The first one is ozi
oh no I was talking about the player skins
why does it look different?