I need a gim to make custom drawn please vote

No to vote so i can choose which one to do next

Here is the hammer for @DANIOOLA
Screenshot 2024-04-05 2.53.00 PM

Hey Didja draw dis ur self @GimNo0b??

Yah i use canva because of how easy it if to col0r match

Heh….yeah…not to be rude… but its clear all u did was trace over the actrul gim…its pretty obvious……

I just took this from my pfp, its just a traced version with the hammer as his weap0n the angrered architect thing is my I’m not sure what to call it, but click on my pfp and it says it

Yah i did it was my first one and it was for a bet by my friend i traced over the real gim to win.

yea just came here @GimNo0b your so talented

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