So my class and I are working on an ultimate game mode. I made a lobby with different game choices buttons wired to teleporters. The problem I am running into is when I hit the game start it doesn’t start out in the lobby I created. I double checked my spawn pads and they are where they need to be. There isn’t another spawn pad but yet I am starting below everything. What do I do or how can I fix this so that my students can finish their game? Ill attach photos below.
If its where they are not spawning in right place when you click game start its probably because the lobby spawn pad is set to only pre game…
If they are not spawning on lobby before game starts, then its probably because the other spawn pad in first image is not set to only in game but game start and pre game.
Both students and I are spawning in the wrong spot. We have teams. I wanted everyone to spawn in the lobby “pre-game” and when the game started they choose which “summit” they wanted to go to. But instead when we hit start, everyone is starting below all the blocks and are trapped.
Edit: I deleted the in game spawn pad and left the one in the lobby. I set that one to all and it finally worked! Thank you all so much! I can’t wait to get this game published. Our last one did really well on plays.