I made a car model now what do I do?

400 dots for a 20x20 board, but you can save memory by making each line of pixels be a text object that generates its dots

in terrain?

Text objects with black and white square emojis.

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Yeah, you might have to hack to efficiently make it generate what you want. Like a plugin sort of thing.

No hacking needed- just hyper optimized block code

People would love a upload image button plugin…

Yep, and there are plans to add custom media, the gimkit team needs to find a way to moderate uploads or something.

I think someone on Github already made some sort of plugin on that, lemme check.

Why do you censor names of other sites?

Maybe not…

Also, is it weird that I got regular on my 50th day?

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I think that you have to meet certain requirements for 50 days… You might not have met the requirements on your first day.

Actually it’s 50, not 51.

I don’t think so then.

I got it on my 50th day.

Congratulations, @EggNoodle! Welcome to @trust_level_3!


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