I made a button that if u click it it activates a tag zone, but its not working!

I made a button that if u click it it activates a tag zone, but its not working

What are your buttons, device setting and wiring?

gotta toothbrush brb

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I gtg at 7:30 I’ll be back around 8.

I’m assuming this might be for among-us?

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What happens when an impsotor is supposed to tag the crewmates?
(If you are making among us)

Is the tag zone inactive on game start? And are there multiple tag zones?

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(post deleted by author)

Yeah, check if all your tag zones are deactivated on game start, and that they cover the whole area

It’s for a game that is like among us

I checked if they were activated, they are

It’s not inactive and there’s only 1 tag zone that covers the entire map.

Can you show the full set up?

You have two different teams, right??? And two testers on the two teams?

I can, give me a second.

What do you mean testers?

like two players to test if it works.

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I already tried that

And the tag zone is all set up(like team 1 tags team 2?)

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Yes, I’m pretty sure it is. Let me send the settings, give me a sec.