I made a 10 frame per second animation but its supposed to be looped and keeps stopping

so i made a faster animation process takes up more memory but makes the animation faster but only problem is it isnt looping to create the illusion of movement
Screenshot 2023-11-03 1.31.16 PM
so far the only frame speed i can achieve with these wire repeaters is 10 frames per sec so it might be good for low quality animation i might try less wire repeaters to see if it is slower than usual(also i use the counter to measure how much it triggers good for debugging and seeing where it stops)

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Have you tried channels? Those tend to be faster than wires.

the channels that the triggers are on already transmit a channel to the poles to disappear and appear but i could use trigger to replace some of the wire repeaters and make them transmit on channels that loop each other or use block code to make the trigger transmit on more than one channel

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You can go down to .0015 seconds with triggers.

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@Shdwy qmech problem here.

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ooo i didnt know that thanks! helps me reduce the number of devices i need

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however still not looping and i dont understand why its not looping?? :face_with_spiral_eyes: the speed increased greatly so its pretty good so it might be too fast but who knows maybe it will show the illusion of movement

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Screenshot 2023-11-03 1.48.31 PM

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I’ve pinged shdwy because it’s a qmech problem and I don’t know anything about that.

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ok well iĺl see ya later unless i can find a charger brb

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found one! :slight_smile: so i´ll be here for a little longer

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gimmie a sec let me read the post

edit: WOAH that is most certainly an auo issue

what delay does each of the repeaters have?
and oh god why is there a loop of loops

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the first design had 2 wire repeaters one with no delay one with 0.1 delay as i found it to be slightly faster but then i found out triggers could be set to make the delay lower than 0.1 thanks to rithekd and simplified the process with just triggers that trigger other triggers but now i cant figure out how to loop it and the answers probably simple i suppose idk but basically im trying to create the illusion of movement with high speed and less props @Shdwy

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there are way too many loops here. If you want a movement loop, you’d just have a long chain of triggers.

Here’s an example. Trigger a triggers trigger b, b triggers c, c triggers d, d triggers a. each has .015 delay (minimum for triggers) and they all go in a line. It seems like there’s some doublechaining and concurrent mechanics at play here that are messing it up.
You seriously do only need 4 triggers though. Also, quick note, make sure to only loop the triggers by channel OR by wires. If you do both, doublechaining will come into play and mess everything up.

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Is it still not working, even with Shdwy’s method?

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