so i need help for when a player enters the zone it says it´s name
You have to use coding.
i know but i don´t know how to use it
What name do you mean?
when a player enters a zone i want it to say the player´s name
Give me a few minutes and I’ll figure it out
Use a Trigger device with block code!
Zone (player enter zone) → Trigger (trigger)
in the block code option (when triggered):
[send activity feed to everyone]-[create text with]-[triggering player's name]
ok i will try it
what do you connect the block to?
You don’t have to, you only have to wire the Zone to Trigger, and you will make the block coding inside the Trigger.
oh ok
thats weird. it doesnt work.
Can I see the block codes you created?
I was referring to the block strings, not the text you are going to put in the text block option lol, I will explain fully to you:
The [send activity feed to everyone] is in the Essentials, find it and drag it out and place it down.
[create text with] and [triggering player’s name] are both in the Text, now place them down after the [send activity feed to everyone].
Go to essentials, then get the block “Send activity feed to everyone”. Remove the ‘[send activity feed to everyone]’ text on the green block.
K I’ve figured it out.
First make this setup:
Then on the zone make these settings:
Then go on the trigger and do this code:
Then on the text do this code:
When you play, it should appear as your name when you go in the zone:
i can´t find send activity feed in there
Tell me if this works @GimkitFan1
Btw all the channels on my post are ‘make name appear’
don’t know why the ‘make name’ in the text block code works but anywho!