I don't know if this is possible, but can I make the same button do a different thing each new round of the game?

Welcome to the forums @Night_Owl13!!! Make sure to read the GKC Forums Guidelines! Could you please elaborate more? Thx!

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Welcome to the forums @Night_Owl13 ! I’m not sure if this is possible. Give me a minute to check.

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Could you tell me what they are trying to say?

I think that they want a button to do one thing during one round and then a different thing the next round.


I don’t uderstand what you mean. Try to rephrase it.

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Sorry for not being clear enough, like, if I have one button, do one thing in the first round the game starts, but have it do a different thing the next round the game gets hosted?

I’m not certain, but maybe something with Counters, and Trackers???

I will try to find that. Thanks! I just started a day ago!

Smart, I will see what I can do with that, but in the meantime, if anyone else has a definite answer, I would love to hear it!

As @Sus_the_Hamster said: that is not possible, for there are no devices having to with rounds nor is there block coding. This is because rounds are not part of Gimkit games themselves but rather a mechanic used to create an entirely new game load. I have a single idea though: GKC creators have found a way to make save files so if you add that mechanic into your map but make it so that the button does something else then maybe try that.


If you look up hide and go seek tag, it will give you the most popular answer. And when play that game and you search for something, every round you start, that searched place will give you a new item. Is there anything I could do like this?

Yes. as @Kosm0-o and I said it is not possible I tried to do it, but I can’t.

You can use blocks to vary the items you get. I’ll have a guide in just a second.

Thank you for trying! I appreciate that.

I think that you are talking about a randomizer. As in random maps every round or random item spawns every round.


Quick to build Fishtopia system! (Difficulty 4/10 or :yellow_square: ) - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
I know that this is for fishtopia, but it should have the same results.

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OMG. That is exactly what I needed! @Sus_the_Hamster and @Kosm0-o, thank you so very much! I will make sure to give you guys a like, or a follow, or whatever you do on this platform.

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This might also work: How to make a quick easy randomizer(updated version)
If you can mark a solution (the checkbox) if you think one of the posts solved your problem!

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Perfect. Thanks so much!


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