I done with this guide yippee

MM is about to be done so bye bye guide.

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this is not related to GKC so this guide is kinda, NOT needed.


Instead of telling them how it is bad, give them tips on how they can make it on-topic or better.


ok, ok. i was just telling them.

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@EGGacha can I help make some? I took some design classes that help me make good posters.

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maybe recreate the trophie into barrier art?

Ofc! :smiley:

What… How can it be… more on topic, related to GKC, when in the next like… 7 weeks, it may not be used? ( no offence… )

Im deleteing this after the event is over lol.

Oh… okay makes sense. :+1:

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This is just something silly for you to put in your guides until the voting is over, not meant to be a guide to stay.


How’s this, @EGGacha?


Can you add mine?

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And can you add this one, too?


:frowning_face: so many requests to be added… I wish I had the time to make mine…

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Good idea

Not to be the Grammar police or anything but it is trophy not trophie

i Sadly Dont care about grammer

It was just bothering me, sorry

I got one

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or this: