I can’t see pictures in the community forum which is annoying when I am trying to find a solution to a problem can someone help me?
the same thing is happening to me
i think that gimkit forums are having an issue
Welcome to the forums, @Godly_N and @Naed45!
They were removed due to storage issues.
The forums had a shutdown not too long ago due to cloud storage, and they fixed the issue by removing mostly every picture, it should be pinned for new users
Wait… Don’t tell me they removed this too.
Josh in the new update removed all of the images sooo… yea
That’s crazy, its like that for me too
Welcome to the community!
Is it okay if you re-upload the pictures?
Nope, sadly, all the pictures are not loading, hopefully it will gets fixed soon.
It’s an update the pictures wont come back
Hopefully because my guide depends on them a lot.
I suppose you could put a link to the pictures, couldn’t you?
Yea I think you can if its a guide
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