I can't find my map I published

btw it’s name is “One way out…?”

1: Is your map appropriate for the age of 6 and above?

2: What’s the content of the game?

3: Is it plagiarized? (Either the Thumbnail, Map Name or content of the map?)

4: Welcome to the community!

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just wait a minute, and check again. repeat if it still doesnt show

probably map name if it were anything…

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Either reload or search your map’s name and find the thumbnail. (Did you use a showcase link?)

Welcome to the forum, @capybara22 ! I’m always happy to see another new user here!

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I can copy and paste a link here so yall can make sure it’s in the community guidelines

no you cant codes/pub or showcase links are not allowed here

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btw I made it yesterday but It didn’t show there either

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