I am making an extremely hard platformer and want suggestions

I am making an extremely hard level for my first platformer, and the theme is “Ten Jumps of PAIN” I would like some suggestions on some very difficult jumps to add. It could be something you have seen or something you have made. If you made it put your username and I will put you in the credits. Thanks everyone who helps. :slight_smile:

Add super skinny prop jumps, maybe.

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Lasers. Many. Needing the most precise possible.

If you are on the discord, and checked out blackhole map, you’ll see.

Many lasers, sentries, and super, and I mean, SUPER hard jumps.


Possibly a jump where you only have 1 open lock in one section of a wall.

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Thanks for the idea, and I will check out the black hole map.

Please add checkpoints when needed (if you want).

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make a barrier and make it very tiny so they will need to jump on it.

sentries in the most annoying spot



sentry+ hard laser jumps = pain


Turn off collision on some props!!

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Make the objects move, it will make the platformer unbearable

I don’t know if that is possible but I will try!

I’m not sure if it is possible but if it is, then well that would make it hard

I havent tried creative platforming yet

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Jumps you have to double hump on and some props have no collision and a MAXED sentry at the end of the jumps I called it “Rage quit”

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I do have multiple checkpoints.

make it so that props randomly dissapear

  1. make some slanted so you slide down
  2. move props with animation
  3. lasers
  4. sentries
  5. no collision props(so it’s still possible make it so there is a way to tell if there is collision)

Make it so they need energy to move and they get energy from answering questions

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make a prop disappear when they are about to jump on it.

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I hate these games in discovery!