I am making a red light green light and I want when they enter a room someone get picked to be the host of it but I want it to be random

I already put a zone and I dont know what else to do but I only want 1 person to be picked.

Use a random player relay to choose a random player.

and what would i wire that to?

i would wire the zone to that right but then would i wire the when enters zone pick a random person and wire the random person to a telport to telport them to where they should host

want to jump over to wix and see if i didthis right i could put a code in code sharing unless you dont use wix

Whenever the player enters the zone, transmit onto the random player relay. After that, the relay should transmit onto a channel that handles whatever happens to the player that becomes the host.

want to jump over to wix and see if i didthis right i could put a code in code sharing unless you dont use wix

@WolfTechnology can you see if want I got so far I found an idea?

can you refraze that? i can’t understand what you are saying. (no offense).

@WolfTechnology olfI firguired a way to to the randomiser but it might need a little magic touches…

we can help you without the code

I am not the only member of the forum, there are thousands of users who would love to help you, so you don’t need to just ping me, we all are here to help so just ask. And sure If I have time tomorrow.

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@getrithekd can you help me with my map please

Not now.

@WolfTechnology just need to now something what channel did you put as start

I need to know bc I kneew to see what that is @WolfTechnology @WolfTechnology Please answer me

the starting channel is “red light”.

@WolfTechnology something is named just START

I didn’t add a channle named “start”

hmmm dont know then thanks ill firgure the promblem i got a random thing done i thought of the realy and set it to random person and wire that to a zone and wire the relay to the telport to telport to host

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