I am collecting art for my games


  • props only
  • no language
  • you must show me how to make it

what might happen
I might like your art and use it in my games if I publish it @MapleSyrup will say your names in art by whoever it was. also I might ask for people to make stuff for my games and you will have 1 week to make it before I say the winner. you can also use barriers .

So… what kind of art?
You need to give more details.


I do’t care what kind of art you make :+1:

Just so you know, there are plenty of prop art wikis with truly amazing prop-art that you can use!

C-C being here is a nice suprise!

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I’m not sure you can do this.
But I hope @Slim doesn’t mind me pinging him to ask, he always knows best!

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First, place down a plate prop. Then, place 4 red rectangular barriers. Next, tilt the ones on the edges toward the middle. Finally, make every other barrier slightly taller.
The final result should look like this:
Screenshot 2024-10-19 10.52.01 PM

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@Nova do you have art to show

So basically what you are asking is for a guide to make foods and other stuff?

sure that is what I mean :slightly_smiling_face:

A guide like that exists, use the search bar and you can find lots of art tutorials


I like to see peoples creativity because art is fun

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After skimming through most of the rules and FAQ’s, I don’t see anything denying this. [1]

Though I will say, that the OP could have just looked up guides and followed them step by step into their game. [2]

It depends on the type of guides that the OP wants to add, and therefore needs / should include the theme of the game.

There isn’t much context as to what the OP wishes for, but it isn’t exactly against the rules…

So I guess, Overall: No. It’s not against the rules or FAQ’s, just a bit confusing.

(Keep in mind, I did only have enough time to skim through the rules and FAQ’s, not fully read them all.)

  1. Obviously correct me if I’m wrong. ↩︎

  2. It depends on what they’re looking for. ↩︎


I agree with c-c

It’s one of those things that we need more context to say it is or isn’t allowed.


C-C :scream::scream:
Also I agree if you don’t need anything specific then it’s best just to search up a guide and maybe mark a solution for this


thank you so much @Slim

can somebody make The Great Wall of China

Alr thank you for clarifying @C-C.


Time consumption😮‍💨
Sorry, I am an artist but I don’t usually do Gimkit art guides and I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed lately

I could try… Maybe