Hub Creation Map. + admin and vote out truble makers

Hello world! and Gimkit developers. I have created a hub, with a multitude of the previous fun 2D mode maps that Gimkit has offered. one problem though, every time I add a VENDING MACHIEN, it either crashes my world, or deletes it. and if I go too far with the wires, it also does the same thing. Just wondering if you all could fix that. Happy Gims, Saberwolf.

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Welcome to the community @Saberwolf915!
Did you check how much memory you have left on the map that your are working on? Because if the memory is full or close to full it may delete the vending Machine. But if you have plenty of memory, it may be you divice, so try X’ing out of the tab and restarting your device.

Let me know if you need more help,

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The memory is low, I have tried multiple times, It just force quits it. I don’t know if that is just my computer, or the kit, but this happens on every map that has any tiles

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Tiles? Are you talking about the terrain? And it is mostlikely not your computer if your memory is low and you have restarted it already.

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Yes, but I am using a Chrome Book and It is the newest model so it is very glitchy. What happens is after I create a base model of the map I start with devices and then props and mechanics. One of those devices is (was) usually a vending machine, but it would usually crash my kit. It works perfectly fine if I place them down before the base model of the map, but not after.

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Ok i am using the same device so its not that, and i build maps and prop design all the time. So this is new, is it possible for you to give me the code to one of the maps that is doing this? I would prefure to see if it does it to others or just you.

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I do have some other problems with my hub, so could you see it real quick? code as of know is

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ok now please delete that message because codes are against the guide lines.

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it is no longer there

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as of now the layers are weird, the props self delete, and the inventory usaly self deletes, when it should not

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I see, also you have a lot of the money prop placed so when so much is placed in a certain area it will not allow more to be placed, and your memory is much higher than most maps i have ever made, and they are quite detailed and large. 84% memory is a lot if you did not know.

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I just placed one down after you cleared some of the cash, can you see it?

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it has crashed, did you put a vending machine?

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ok so what is happing @WolfTechnology ?

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yes, just to test, and it may be the number of sentries placed, they take up the most memory, and it may be if this map is old, or the amount of devices placed, just for confermation let me ask @Blackhole927 and @getrithekd they are great coders and might know more than me on this aspect.

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Vending machiens are not working

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0k first this should be in the Bugs categories

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ok now so check your memory

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then that must be why it must be deleting

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use the # symbol