How would you make multiple speed upgrades? (Resolved)

I have more than 1 speed upgrade in my mode, so how do I make it so that the more speed upgrades, the faster you go?

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Iā€™m not sure how to do the speed part, but assuming you can change a property to do it, you can make each upgrade add on to that property, and that property change will change the speed of the player.


Make multiple speed modifiers and place down as many vending machines as you need assuming you would need to buy the speed upgrade. To do this just wire the vending machine and speed modifier together.


Maybe you can make it so that the first speed upgrade you buy gives you a little bit of speed, the second one makes you a little faster, and so on until eventually you get very fast. e.g. the first upgrade gives you 1.25. The second one gives you 2.0. The third one gives you 2.5, etc.

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use counters and then make vending machines increase the counters, and have 2 or more counters each with different target values connected to 2 or more speed modifiers

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Blocks with the and block.


look at this guide! :smiley:

How to Add Speed- Difficulty 2/5 or :yellow_square:

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