What’s triggering the rng? If it doesn’t use any channels, you could set a variable between 2 2048 bit numbers, seef if that variable is a prime number and if so, set the text or notification to the variable. If it isn’t prime, make it trigger itself again
@Gimkit101 how do I contact you?
Wait. @Blackhole927. What if… we assume the Reimann Hypothesis to be true, and just build off of that? 37% of the numbers on the critical strip are proven to be correct, if it turns out to be wrong, then oh well. But this gives us access to a bunch of theorys that can calculate primes, as long as we assume the hypothesis to be true.
Uhhhh… maybe that might work?
I really don’t know enough about this math to know how to get from the Riemann hypothesis to prime detection.
I just made the mistake of trying to find out how to do it assuming the Riemann hypothesis is true. Of everything I found, I understood maybe 3% of it, but here is something that might be relevant:
Source: number theory - How related is the distribution of primes to the Riemann Hypothesis? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
thank you i am here to learn and help as much as possible
On the chat box on my blog, @FusionLord. It’s in the bottom right corner.
Nevermind, I just saw your message and responded.
I didn’t see it
Can you send it again (Can’t share my email)
K I will.
My screen rn
Did u get it?
Yes, I did!
Sorry, it’s just that I want to help, but I can’t if I don’t know what I’m helping with.
I think you can… that much is clear from the helping everyone else did above.
But whatever, this is an irrelevant argument anyway.
I believe in finding other ways.
You can use Willan’s formula, however, it is inefficient and we don’t have a factorial function in gimkit + gimkit’s number precision.
More in-depth explanation
I’ll look into it!