How would you create a player scoped timer?

so im trying to do ¨time survived¨ for each player but i cant figure out how to reset or stop it for an individual player once they are spectating and show it while they are spectating (if you want to know what map im creating its a team survival map sorta like infection but without the infect part if that helps i need suggestions for it)

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You can’t really do it for spectators without making a property per player (I hate those type of solutions).

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like how would you set up those properties? cuz i know properties dont usually do stuff on their own they usually need like a trigger or something like that

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I suggest not actually using a property but instead using items because I don’t know of a way for another player to have any interactions with a player-scoped property. If you want I can mock up a system.

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sure that would be awesome! :3 my brain isnt quite functioning quite right so yeah screenshots would be useful but anyways my laptops bout to die unless my charger can reach brb


I would say that using the spectator mode is impossible because you can’t do anything with spectators.

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You would still need properties access the number of items.

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got it! barely reached it and ok! so cannot do anything with spectators noted and thanks im gonna try this and if it dosent work im gonna unmark the solution

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ok yeah i need a screen shot my brain is in a mess rn sorry

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@getrithekd is right I forgot you can’t display anything to a spectator but you can put it on the leader board witch the spectator can see.

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of course the leaderboard i forgot all about that question is does the timer stop once the player is spectating?

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i guess i´ll find out! byeeeeee


Make a team switcher receive on a channel from a life cycle that listens for “player knocked out”. Make sure that your timer also receives from that channel so it stops.

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