How to use Non-Items

Sometimes, you will want to use items that don’t exist to do things. I call these Non-Items. A Non-Item creates the illusion of an item but isn’t actually one. They are used to create more complex ideas, such as needing to make a bucket out of metal. Metal isn’t in GKC, nor are buckets, but as Non-Items they can create the illusion of them being there. There are three ways to do this.

Method One

The first method is by using channels that will activate the button (or whatever you want to become usable) when you get the Non-Item. The button would otherwise be inactive. This could also be used with barriers to make it so you can only cross a path after doing something without the use of lasers. You may want this if you want a secret path only attainable after a certain point or don’t want the player to die. This method works best with singular Non-Items, but can be done with multiple items by using chains of vending machines with no cost, or, if you also want to use actual items, you can also end it by having a cost.

Method Two

Rather than using a chain of vending machines, if you want to have multiple of the same Non-Item or use multiple different Non-Items for the same thing, you could instead use variables or properties.


In the blocks, set it to change the variable by whatever amount when you do what you waht to have the player do to get the Non-Item. The only major problem with this is that it requires you use the same device every time.


A similar method to variables can be done with properties. I would explain in better detail, and I have been told this works, but I actually have yet for it to work myself. If you can explain how to do this in the comments, thank you, I guess.

I discovered a third method that is much better than the second.

Method Three

You can also use counters. Make it so that they go up when you get the Non-Item through a channel and when it gets to whatever number that you want for the Non-Item, have it transmit on a channel. This channel would function like the channels for a single Non-Item needed to do something. The best part is that you don’t need to use blocks and only need to use one more device. This also lets you use the same channel for everything you need to get the Non-Items with, as long as you deactivate them after use.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 10.32.43
I added images if my instructions weren’t clear.


What even are “Non-items”?

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items that arnt in the game yet.

You mean like Invisabits?

no, these dont have any powers

Okay, I get it now. Very cool. Nice guide, @JarryFlorg.

Does this mean like check if player has item (item not in game) if fails then conduct such chain of events?

no. it talks about items that arnt in game

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could you please explain it to me?

then how does he have it?

@Caternaught just means items that DO NOT exist in normal Gimkit or creative, and have no spacial abilities. Example: Rainbow Seed

Better example: You need to find metal around the map to craft a bucket you will use to get water.

You don’t actually have it, it instead creates the illusion of having it.

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okay, I got it, thanks!

this confusing guide made me bump my head because I wasn’t careful and having situational awareness

Sorry about that, though I don’t know how much of this is my fault.

Its alright, my brain has been melted today.


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Why is that even a thing!
Or did you use inspect?

its a actual thing, would post a gif if I had access to a gif converter. if you like a lot of posts you run out (probably so you cant make a alt account and like ur mains posts)

I guess that makes sense, but you can still do that even if there is a limit.