How to: Turn Sentry into Gim | Difficulty 0/10

YES!!! I was getting almost sad aboutnthis =)

i would have never though of that

Could someone add the wiki bump?

it’s not been 5 days chill

I would like to, but I get WAY too many notifications for checklist change.

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bro wait ;-; its not been 5 days yet, and honestly its best to do bumps after at least a week
also the purpose of a bump is to bring it to the top of the posts list, we don’t really have to keep bumping this over and over and over, we have to be able to see other new posts too


Oh crap that was on accident

I accidently wiki bumped on gimsolver’s thing sorry

Bump Because I Love to see people enjoy something I made

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You really shouldn’t bump your own guide. Also, it’s only been 4 days.

:slight_smile: Alright then…aaaaaaaa… ALRIGHT

Bro, seriously, first of all, it hasn’t been 5 days, second of all, you’re bumping your own guide, and you’ve done it like 5 times!

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Well could you show me the rule showing Me I cant Bump my guide?

How do I check how many flags I have gotten?

you can, it’s just not a good look.

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alright then Let me put that on my rule list

Gimpossible At this moment unless…

here, now back on topic.

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I don’t see the flags anywhere. (Am I just slow?)

BACK on topic please
I lost Gimemon to people being off topic so please do not make my 2nd most popular guide be my second unlisted guide!