Please don’t bum when it’s only been a day.
I still don’t get it why do people type bump
I had the same feeling like 2 weeks ago
since It is my creation and would love to see others in a wiki of mine
And i have a craving for hearts since I like attention
Wow, that is creative. (I think your doing what they made the game for {Gimkit Creative})
They do it to bring something up to the top of the list. Like if you keep seeing the same issue come up you can “bump” and bring it up to help others. I hope that answers your question @Trasch.
No, because that would be a duplicate, I already gave you credit.
All I gotta do Is click on it
I don’t understand why people type it
Try turning the transparency of the barriers to 1.00 instead of the default transparency
Oooh this is nice. I wonder if there’s a cleaner way to do this though.
Made Chompz, Red delicious, and Glass Half Full using this guide.
So very useful!
@Trasch The reason people type bump is to bump old guides that have been forgotten about to the top of the Forums. You have to bump after 5 days since the last reply.
well then I have no reason to say bump
though you never asked to do that though
Asking is nice, but not required as you made a gim and I made skins.
and I wanted to turn this later into a wiki for skins