So, Basically I’m making a Team Fortress 2 game and when somone picks their class with a button I need them to get teleported to the map. I’ve tried this before, but whenever I do so, the invisible teleporter is still there and can be accessed.
so after they pick a class you can get them to teleport to the map with channel or wire from the button to the teleporter.
Set a wire from the button to the teleporter.
Set when pressed, activate and they should be tped
(I don’t know what I’m saying help.)
Thanks for the help!
I agree it’s so simple!
also check the teleport settings, maybe you did something wrong?
oof-Sister is right or have them walk to the team teleporter to teleport them to their teams area
You can also use popups to describe what class you are going to, and use one of the call to action buttons to click yes or no. Then, you can make it so that when the playwr clicks yes, they teleport to that class. Just a little xtra for @oof-sister 's idea
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