How to Stop Error When Questioner Is Opened from Popup Call to Action!

So when a questioner is opened from a popup call to action button, you get an error. This is because the questioner interface and the popup interface are open at the same time. This is easily solvable.

Go into your popup and set “Call to Action Chanel” to “OpenQuestioner”.
Screenshot 2023-11-29 8.47.02 AM
After that, set “Close Popup When Receiving On” to “OpenQuestioner”.
Screenshot 2023-11-29 8.47.39 AM
Once your done with that, place down a trigger and set “Trigger Delay” to “0.4” (That is the smallest delay I found without crashing the game).
Screenshot 2023-11-29 4.04.43 PM
Also set “Trigger By Player Collision” to “No” and “Visible In-Game” to “No”
Screenshot 2023-11-29 8.51.33 AM
Screenshot 2023-11-29 8.52.26 AM

After that, wire the popup to the trigger. Primary Call to Action Clicked - Trigger.

Then, wire the trigger to your questioner. Triggered - Open Question Answering Screen.

There! Your done. If you try it, it should not crash.
Once your done, it should look like this:
Screenshot 2023-11-29 8.50.38 AM
(Ignore the extra wire.)


I recategorized this into Community Made Guides.

This is a bit small for a guide, can you add images?


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Nice guide!

yesss another has joined the troops of Christmas hats

Nice guide! If you can still edit maybe retake the screenshot here:

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Done! Good thing you told me in time, because I can’t edit it tomorrow.

:relieved: Phew. Close one!

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Nice guide! Very helpful

I wish my profile pic was a tomato with a Christmas hat :frowning:

Oh my gosh, thank you for making this guide! This bug has hindered me in making an excellent map for months, and I didn’t think of this!

I can make you one!

nvm I found one on google, but thanks for asking!

nice guide tho a triggers delay can go down to 0.0015 which is pretty low and you may just have an old computer that causes it to crash but i could be wrong :person_shrugging:

if I do 0.1-0.3, my gimkit crashes.

huh thats strange it shouldnt be doing that but more or less my laptops bout to die see ya later meow! :3

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(!edpmub emag yM)

Only click on this if you can't read backwards.

(My game bumped!)


this is fixed but why not?

bump my alt’s topic…

I talked to the mod about the alt thing they suspended him I’m clef lol