I guess we’re doing this. I put up a poll to see if you guys wanted it, and it was UNANIMOUS. You guys wanted a Figure guide, so I’ll give you a Figure guide! Just keep your happy dance until we leave the library, you don’t want him to hear you. Believe me. And of course, El Goblino will be here to clear up all of the nonsense.
With all that out of the way, let’s get started!
Crouching Mechanics
What You’ll Need
2 Speed Modifiers
2 Game Overlays
Step 1. Set the first Game Overlay to a button in the bottom right. Have the title be Crouch. Have it transmit on Crouch, hide on Crouch, and show on Stand_Up. This overlay is active on game start.
Step 2. Set the second Game also to a button in the bottom right. Have the title be Stand Up. Have it transmit on Stand_Up, hide on Stand_Up, and show on Crouch. This overlay is NOT active on game start.
Step 3. Set the first speed modifier to be 0.5 speed, and have it set said speed when receiving on Crouch. Do the same with the other one, except have the other one for the opposite overlay.
El Goblino Summary: Oye, hombre! I’m back! And while this part was a pretty simple part, let me help you out in case you were curious.
By pressing the Crouch button in the bottom right of your screen, two things happen. First is the most obvious difference: your movement speed is cut in half. Second is that the Crouch button is replaced with a Stand Up button, which when pressed, returns you to your normal movement speed! Simple as that!
Library Book Mechanics
What You’ll Need
10 Properties
10 Buttons
7 Triggers
5 Counters
5 Popups
2 Game Overlays
2 Teleporters
1 Scroll Prop
1 Lifecycle
Step 1. Set each property down and name each one in numerical order: Code 1, Code 2, etc. etc. Have each one be a number property with global scope.
Step 2. Let the lifecycle’s settings be as it was. Let’s focus on the trigger. Wire the lifecycle to the trigger. Event Occurs - Trigger. Now, copy this block code.
Step 3. To make a functional code, you’re gonna first have to assign a number to a shape. Which sounds pretty difficult in theory, but it’s actually quite simple. Let’s place down our scroll prop on top of our first button. Make the button invisible, have message say “Read Paper” and transmit on “Show_Shapes.”
Step 4. Make a game overlay that is NOT shown at game start, but shows when receiving on Show_Shapes. Now, this is where I fail to make it completely random. You have to set which shapes will reveal the code. But I still think it’s cool. Have the overlay’s title be this, or whatever shapes you want to be the correct ones.
Step 5. Set 3 more buttons to a different shape, and have it reveal something on the second overlay. It doesn’t matter for those 3 buttons. BUT! Have the other five buttons reveal a shape on your paper and have the number be one of the numbers in the code, based on the order of your shapes. I would show pictures, but honestly this part is completely based on your choice.
Step 6. Now, here’s where you input the code. Make a room outside of the library, and put 5 triggers and five counters in it. Have the counters be wired to a NEW property, each titled things like “Digit Guess 1,” “Digit Guess 2,” etc. etc.
Wire each trigger to their corresponding popup and have them look like this.
Have the call-to-action channels increase or decrease the counters, therefore increasing or decreasing the properties.
Step 7. Have a button that says “Finalize Code.” Wire it to a trigger, with block code like this.
And you’re done! I know that was a little confusing, but I PROMISE things will get easier from here. Mostly.
El Goblino Summary: Oye, hombre! This one was a little crazy, but once again, I’m here to save Landyn’s bum and explain things in a more…user-friendly way. At the start of the game, a random 5-digit code is generated that will be used to exit the library. When you enter the library, you have to retrieve a paper that will show you shapes. These shapes can be found in books hidden in the library, and when you think you’ve got the code, you go to the back of the library, put in the code, and escape! Simple as that!
Pseudo-AI for Figure
What You’ll Need
Crouching Mechanics
3 Triggers
1 Property
1 Sentry
1 Zone
Step 1. Have your settings on your map make it to where there is no cooldowns to gadget usage.
Step 2. You’re gonna need to make some modifications to the Crouching Mechanics. Make a true/false property named Crouching? (Yes, I am telling you to use the least-used feature in ALL OF GKC, the true/false property. Crazy, huh?) Have a trigger trigger when receiving on Crouch, and copy this code.
Step 3. Make ANOTHER trigger that receives on Stand_Up, and copy THIS block code!
(Looks familiar, huh?)
Step 4. Put the zone in front of the entrance to the library, that transmits on “Figure_Crouch_Check.”
Now, have a trigger that receives AND transmits on “Figure_Crouch_Check,” and copy this block code.
Step 5. Now have a sentry equipped with a quantum portal deactivate when receiving on “Deactivate_Figure,” and activate on “Activate_Figure!”
And you’re done!
El Goblino Summary: Oye, hombre! Now it’s time to discuss the big doofus himself, the Figure! He’s pretty simple, actually. He’s basically just a sentry with a one-shot gadget with no cooldowns. But here’s where the crouching mechanics come in: The sentry can only attack when you’re standing up! Simple as that!