How to put, interactable ai

I need a bunch of peasents and nobles.


Use zones — zone entered—open pop up or notification

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How “interactable” do you need them? (Example)

(Also 4 days late but welcome to the forums lol)

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Tradable, gives you quests, that junk.

by the way, you’re going to want to make the sentry friendly, so make it on the same team as everyone else.


I don’t think we can do that, unless there is a way

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This :slight_smile:

Also, if there is more than one team, you could:

  • use an invisible barrier around them
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But how do I make them look different?

custom sentries? use props and emojis.

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There are so many ways to customize! Use props, barriers and emojis :slight_smile:

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you could use buttons instead of zones. make the button invisible and have it say: “Speak to the guard?” or something, and then that would open the pop-up.

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Yeah, I am taking insparation from Skyrim. (Minus the violence) I like the interactable-ness, I also want to be able to romance the AI’s. (Oddly enough)

use the legendary ability “rizz”. i’ve heard that it’s been able to persuade any one woman

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I now need side quests, needed to woo said maidens. And also I must have a LOT more space, (My map is currently small) I spend more time on this then GKC.

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